We’re getting to that time of year when attention turns to the Festive celebrations and, for many of us, time off work to spend with friends and family. You could be excused for thinking at this time of year the property market comes to a grinding halt. We have some surprising news for you – it doesn’t.
You see, many people have already taken the step and have sold their home and bought a new house and are looking forward to moving in and being settled before Christmas.
You might also be wondering how it is that the property market becomes very busy in the first few weeks of any New Year. The answer to that is very simple – people who are looking to take advantage of the New Year market begin the process in December and have all of the background work done – the property particulars and Home Report prepared and agreeing the marketing strategy, ready to launch when January arrives.
Those who decide on this course of action gain the advantage of having their property all set up and ready to go in early January to catch the first and best of the New Year market. Why wait until January before making the move to get your property on the market. Chances are, if you’re thinking of doing that, your property won’t be available to new owners until towards the end of the month or even into February. By that time, you’ve missed the surge in the market the New Year brings.
If you’re thinking about selling but are uncertain about when you should take those first steps of readying your property to go onto the market, give us a call and we’ll talk you through the entire process.